GREEN MAGNESIO makes up for magnesium deficiencies, as it is complexed with organic acids and enriched with amino acids. It comes as a highly-concentrated liquid solution.

Magnesium is a component of chlorophyll and it is therefore involved in photosynthesis. This nutrient participates in numerous enzymatic processes. It favours CO2 assimilation, P absorption and sugars production. Moreover, it also participates in the breathing of the plant and in the synthesis of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates.

GREEN MAGNESIO is recommended for preventing and improving magnesium deficiencies. Its application is effective in basic soils as well as in soils with an excess of calcium, potassium and/or sodium. It participates in grains and fruits development. This fertilizer is easily absorbed and that is the reason why results can be seen after a short period of time.

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  • Prévient et corrige des états de carence en magnésium.

  • Essentiel pour la photosynthèse et pour la formation de pigments.

  • Active de nombreux enzymes du métabolisme des protéines et des glucides.

  • Favorise le transport et l’accumulation des sucres dans les organes de réserve.