It is an important fertilizer in the growth stage when the plant is developing and growing. In addition, thanks to its contribution of calcium and silicon, the plant will grow strong and gain a much larger size than it would obtain on its own. Its benefits are remarkable in all types of crops such as tomatoes, peppers, watermelons, strawberries as well as in stone fruits, tropical and citrus fruits.
In summary, SILISEC FORTE is a liquid fertilizer with silicon and calcium, which helps prevent stress situations that can cause, among other things, the wilting of the plant or the attack of pests. In addition, it acts as an enhancer of the defense and protection mechanisms against diseases and increases the absorption and translocation of calcium within the plant efficiently.
The use of this fertilizer brings benefits to your crops such as:
Improves nutrient uptake and transport through the plant.
Increases the consistency, firmness, and shelf life of the fruits.
Helps protect the crop from pathogen attacks.
Optimizes the absorption of phosphorus and nitrogen.