Particularly designed to be applied by fertigation.
Primary for the creation of amino acids and proteins.
Fully indicated for the vegetative time of the plant.
Promotes the growth of plants.
DIAMANT 19-06-07 is a NPK fertilizer, with a high concentration of nitrogen. It is enriched with micronutrients. It is a soluble formula to be applied by fertigation. It is presented as soluble crystals.
DIAMANT 19-06-07 stimulates the vegetative growth of the plant, giving more vitality and volume to the foliar mass of the plant.
DIAMANT 19-06-07, due to its special chloride-free formula, results to be the best combination to improve and increase nutrients absorption and assimilation, specifically in critical moments.
Particularly designed to be applied by fertigation.
Primary for the creation of amino acids and proteins.
Fully indicated for the vegetative time of the plant.
Promotes the growth of plants.
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