ALGIMEL is a solid formulation based on algae-extract with Ascophyllum Nodosum and it is enriched with amino acids. ALGIMEL is rapidly absorbed and quickly metabolized by the plant due to its low molecular weight.

ALGIMEL reduces the stress of the plants in critical situations, such as heavy chemical treatments or adverse climate factors. It improves the essential physiological processes of the plants, such as flowering and fruit setting.

ALGIMEL increases foliar mass, yield and quality of fruits, as well as fruit homogeneity and earliness. As a consequence, using ALGIMEL , a prime quality crop is achieved which can be placed in the most competitive markets.

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  • Activates the plant in adverse weather situations.

  • Increase available water in times of scarcity.

  • Activates the defense and immune mechanisms of plants.

  • Increases leaf mass and fruit quality.